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Should I get my problem veins assessed/treated during the COVID-19 pandemic?
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in elective surgeries in hospitals being postponed to divert those resources to managing the pandemic. However, the treatment of venous disease is important and must not be overlooked.
Experiencing varicose veins and getting treatment
Varicose veins can affect people in several ways and one person’s journey may be different to another’s. Read about Janelle’s journey from treatment with EVLA to recovery.
Will spider veins go away?
Before we deal with this key question in-depth, it is useful to explain what spider veins are, and how they appear. The official medical term is telangiectasias and other descriptive terms often used are ‘broken capillaries’ or ‘thread veins’.
All eyes are on a non-surgical treatment that targets periorbital veins
Prominent “reticular” veins (periorbital veins) around the eyes are a common concern, patients globally are unaware they can be effectively and safely treated non-surgically.
Could your job be causing you pain
Some work can be a pain in the neck, but a number of diverse professions in regional Victoria can also be a pain in the leg, according to a leading Victorian vein doctor.
Does crossing your legs give you varicose veins?
There is a myth surrounding the uncomfortable protruding veins on the legs that seem to appear almost from nowhere as we age. This myth persistently catches most people out, because they have assumed all their lives that their varicose veins were caused by something they did during their lifetime.
Dr Paraskevas Presents at the ACCS and the ACP Annual Sclerotherapy Workshop 2019
Dr Paraskevas of Vein Health Medical Clinic (part of Paras Clinic) was once again honoured to represent the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery (ACCS) and the Australasian College of Phlebology (ACP) at the Annual Sclerotherapy Workshop for ACCS registrars in Melbourne.
The Varicose Veins You Can’t See
Varicose veins are an unpleasant and often uncomfortable fact of life. Most of us will have noticed some of these popping up, but what about the varicose veins you can’t see?
Hey CrossFitters, are veins that ‘pop out’ normal or a warning sign?
When it comes to protruding veins in CrossFitters and body builders, it can be hard to tell immediately whether they are the result of vascularity or varicose veins.
Sclerotherapy: What is Sclerosant and Why Does it Work On Varicose Veins?
Sclerotherapy is one of the most popular treatments for varicose and spider veins. If you look through the before and after shots of some of our patients, you’ll see ultrasound guided sclerotherapy and direct vision sclerotherapy features repeatedly.
5 Home Remedies for Varicose Veins and Why They Won’t Work
There’s a surprising amount of misinformation on the internet about home remedies promising to fix your varicose veins for good.
Kidspot: What expectant mums need to know about varicose veins
Pregnancy is a beautiful time, but it’s not always as easy as the movies make it out to be.
Will Varicose Veins Go Away After Pregnancy?
Many women first notice varicose veins while pregnant and may experience symptoms like muscle cramps at night, heaviness in the legs, aching, swelling, pain, or even itching and dermatitis in the legs.
Why Diet and Exercise Won’t Get Rid of Cankles
The word “cankle” became widespread in pop culture when Jason Alexander’s character in the movie Shallow Hal used the term to describe an overweight women’s lower leg.
What Does It Feel Like to Have Varicose Veins?
Aging, a lack of mobility, obesity, and previous leg injuries are all predisposing factors which can lead to swollen and enlarged veins, also known as varicose veins. If you’ve never been assessed, you may wonder what it feels like to have varicose veins?
Do varicose veins return after medical treatment?
For thousands of Australians suffering the symptoms of varicose veins, the consideration to undergo medical treatment is often at the forefront of their minds. But if you decide to undergo these types of treatments, is it a permanent fix for your varicose veins? Will varicose veins come back? To answer this, we need to look at the treatments and their effects in a little more detail.
Can Varicose Veins Bleed Externally?
To look at varicose veins, you may think it’s possible for them to bleed externally quite easily. They appear as a web of vessels quite full of blood.
Is the Standing Desk the Answer To Health Problems Associated With Sitting All Day?
Over recent years, the negative health consequences of sitting all day have become well known. Put simply, sitting all day is bad. But is a standing desk really any better for us?
Does Someone You Love Have Symptoms of Varicose Vein Disease?
One of the most common problems which can affect the legs and feet, particularly in older people, is varicose vein disease.
Brighten Your Under Eye with Periorbital Vein Removal
Periorbital veins stretch underneath the eye, around the eye socket, and up across the temple. In normal circumstances these veins are invisible under the skin.
Varicose Vein Treatment with Sclerotherapy
The symptoms of varicose veins may vary from patient to patient. In many cases, there may not be any symptoms at all.
Dr Paraskevas Presents at the ACCS and the ACP Annual Sclerotherapy Workshop
Dr Paraskevas was once again honoured to represent the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery (ACCS) and the Australasian College of Phlebology (ACP) at the Annual Sclerotherapy Workshop for ACCS registrars in Melbourne.
Department of Health Approves the use of Medical Grade Adhesives for Varicose Vein Treatment
We have big news for people seeking treatment for varicose veins and venous disease!
Q&A on DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) and Long-Haul Flights
We normally take copious care in all the details of booking our holidays and far flung adventures, but have you given any thought to the health of your veins during your flight?
CEAP: How Phlebologists Classify the Severity of Venous Disease
In the past it has been tricky for phlebologists and health professionals to define vein disorders because of the range and severity of symptoms.
Dr Paraskevas Demonstrates the Latest in Vein Treatments at the XVIII UIP World Congress of Phlebology
From 4th to 8th February, the Australasian College of Phlebology hosted the XVIII UIP World Congress of Phlebology in Melbourne.
How to say goodbye to varicose veins this year
We’ve welcomed the new year and our wonderful Aussie summer is well underway. The shorts, skirts, and summer dresses are out in force, perhaps exposing varicose veins again.
Dr Paraskevas Presents Sclerotherapy Workshop
At the recent Australasian College Cosmetic Surgeon’s Workshop in Basic Sclerotherapy, our own Dr Peter Paraskevas presented a morning of lectures and an afternoon of patient cases.
Venous Dermatitis: Untreated Varicose Vein Complications
It’s a myth that varicose veins are only a cosmetic concern. Varicose veins left untreated can lead to complications which are very real health concerns.
Man Vs Varicose Veins: How do Varicose Veins Affect Men?
Do Men Get Varicose Veins? Lots of people think varicose veins only affect middle-aged women but men get them too! Up to 30% of people are affected by varicose veins – both men and women. A strong family history is a good indication that you may suffer from varicose veins. They may worsen with occupations that require prolonged standing.